1-Oneness... is Everything... Everywhere... and Everywhen. It’s the All that is, before all that was... and that still is. Everything that is... is 1-thing... 1-unity... or 1-Oneness.
Science calls this Everything-that-is... ‘Energy’ (m=E÷c2)... while ancient spiritual traditions call it ‘Spirit’. Regardless of what it’s named, the meaning remains the same. What’s being claimed is that: everything that is... is 1-thing... 1-totality... or 1-Oneness... and if this is so, then everything’s connected... and separation is an illusion.
So what about God... some might ask ?
Well... if God exists... and nothing is greater than God (as all religions claim is true)... then God must be Everything... because Everything is the only thing that has nothing greater than itself. And if G.O.D. (Great Oneness Divine©) is ‘Everything’...and we are all a part of Everything-that-is... then we are all a part of the total G.O.D. expression.
These 2 innerstandings are fundamental precepts of the 1-Oneness Philosophy... whose insights, inform8tion & innerstandings are annotated within the pages of a book called ‘transform8tion’.
1-Oneness is the message...
transform8tion is the process...
1World-1Peace is the outcome...
© Richie Kessler